You are entirely right to stick to your guns and not cave in.
The Liberal Party needs to have a policy on Climate Change.
In all seriousness, how could it not?
As Chairman of the Save Water Alliance in the Southern Highlands, I still recall with great respect your decision to declare the Upper Nepean (Kangaloon Aquifer) Borefield proposal by the Sydney Catchment Authority a "Controlled Action" under the EPBC Act.
Indeed it is that which has prompted me to write to you on this other matter, as many of the local "movers and shakers" (who personally lobbied you on our behalf re the Kangaloon Aquifer) speak very highly of you.
You did well then, and I am convinced you are on the right track now.
You supported us then, and for what it is worth, I am supporting you now.
After all, as "Crikey" pointed out today, the policy you are defending now is pretty much that which you took to the last election, and which was developed under the Howard Government.
So what really were your opponents thinking, several years ago, when that policy was developed?
I conclude that they were not prepared to oppose Mr Howard (on anything).
Therefore, it is clearly not a matter of principle with them at all - but political point scoring pure and simple.
The Liberal Party cannot surely face the people without a policy on Climate Change?
Yours sincerely
Denis Wilson
Robertson, NSW 2577