Monday 30 April 2012

Gillard looks silly, today, more than last week

Bernard Keane in Crikey says:
  • Gillard is left looking like a politician who will do anything to preserve her position, regardless of consistency, regardless of whatever agreements she has made, regardless of the cost. Much of that has been driven by the compromises and deal making necessary to minority government, rather than reflecting on Gillard's political personality. But when coupled with the circumstances in which she came to the prime ministership, the way she treated Wilkie, and her inability to fulfil her commitment to address the issue of asylum seekers, it is profoundly political damaging for Gillard and her government.
  • The stench of death increasingly pervades this government. MPs know it. Many are appalled by yesterday, and particularly Gillard's abysmal press conference. The government may limp all the way to August 2013 -- Thomson, after all, apparently intends to continue supporting it in Parliament. But voters have made up their minds, at least about the Prime Minister. And there's no evidence whatsoever that she has the political judgment to turn that around, if that was even possible.
And then adds
  •  Michelle Grattan came out hard this morning, calling for Gillard to step down. That won’t surprise too many in the government
    But there’s no Rudd to blame for this...
    Indeed, did the party, even as it handed Gillard a strong mandate in the February leadership spill, really think the flaws in their leader’s judgment would vanish overnight?
    So now we'll kick off the leadership issue again, because if Labor wants to survive as a major party it can't be led into the election by Julia Gillard.

    As for Tony Abbott, he emerged yesterday to demand that the government "disown the vote" of Thomson, a man who is yet to be charged with anything. ,,,,
    Just another example of how Abbott has long since gone beyond the boundaries of ordinary hypocrisy and into a postmodern zone where neither reality nor consistency matter a damn to him.
    Nor does it have to. At the current rate he's on course to inflict a truly monstrous defeat of Labor.
    We get the governments we deserve.
    But quite what crime we communally committed to deserve two leaders like Gillard and Abbott isn’t clear.

    DJW : I second the motion from Bernard Keane

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