Miss Eagle has pressed the big red
"Call Nurse" button on the wall in the Hospital Recovery Room, where the Body Politic was taken after the recent Federal Election.

She thinks that the Body Politic has been wrongly assessed by the Triage Kevin07 Krew who have not assessed the Body Politic's case as URGENT. But she disagrees.
She KNOWS it is a urgent case.
Trouble is the best Doctor in the Hospital is the guy who has (apparently) decided that the case is not urgent enough to warrant immediate intervention.

In that case, who do you appeal to?
How can one get a Second Opinion - when we have just sacked the last Doctor?
Shorten, Combet, the ACTU. Paul Howes from the AWU had a bit to say on the ABC to-day. A little typing exercise? Now is the time for all good men tocome to the aid of the party?Or is it that a quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog?
Blessings and bliss and Happy New Year
Miss Eagle was properly trained as a stenographer (For those with short memories, that is an Olympic-class Typist/Shorthand Note-taker). Such people are rare as Hens Teeth these days. However, even I know that one of the favourite typing tests given was to type:
"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party". It was used as a standard speed and accuracy exercise given to young typists.
Miss Eagle clearly sees a more explicit political message - a veritable "call to arms".
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