On 24 November 2007, the Australian Body Politic had a Heart/Brain transplant. So far, it seems the patient is making a good recovery, but we shall monitor progress. As of 31 December 2007, the patient has been moved out of "Intensive Care". There was a period of uncertainty, under Kevin Rudd, and then Julia Gillard. On 14 September 2010 Julia Gillard was sworn in as Prime Minister, by the Governor General.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Who writes this rubbish in the Environment column of the SMH?
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Pope's Secret meeting with victims insults the other victims
What does that say to the hundred and thousands of others, whose complaints have not been addressed by the Church, or worse, whose legal claims have been defended on narrow legalistic bases? What about them?
"The church's NSW director of professional standards, Michael Salmon, said he had chosen them after a request "a number of weeks ago" because they had been through the church's internal processes, had achieved a level of healing, and would be comfortable attending Mass.
None had pursued civil legal actions but one had pursued criminal charges. All were abused as minors - one by a lay person in a school context and the rest by priests."
Source: news.com.au
As Greg Barnes in crikey.com.au says today:
As Andrew Morrison SC, who acted for Ellis, told the High Court, in effect the Catholic Church "in New South Wales and the ACT has so structured itself as to be immune from suit other than in respect of strictly property matters for all claims of abuse, neglect or negligence, including claims against teachers in parochial schools at least prior to 1986. That immunity, they say, extends to the present day in respect of the parochial duties of priests. We say that such immunity would be an outrage to any reasonable sense of justice and we say it is wrong in law."
Barnes continues:
"But the issue here is should the Church and Cardinal Pell have played legal hardball with a s-x abuse victim in the first place, and having been successful in their legal strategy, will they do the same thing again?
"If Pope Benedict’s apology is to mean something more than platitudes, then Cardinal Pell and the Catholic Church should stop hiding behind their expensive lawyers’ tactics and immediately apologise and compensate John Ellis for the abuse he suffered at the hands of the Church."
In the opinion of this blogger, the manner of the selection of appeased victims says it all - it is not designed to solve anything (for arguably the people who were invited have already been "healed" (supposedly). The problem for the Church is precisely with the people whose wounds have not been healed.
As the final act of World Youth Day, this act debases and demeans any achievements of the whole WYD process. It confirms WYD to be nothing more than a Tourist Promotion exercise for Sydney and a shallow and meaningless PR Stunt for the Catholic Church.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Vale, Vile Mark Vaile
The answer is,. because Mark Vaile made it possible for them to do so.
Water is included in the Australia:America Free Trade Agreement.
Veolia/Vivendi already have their hooks into the Desal Plant in Sydney.
Parsons Brinkerhoff, have their own man positioned within the Sydney Catchment Authority, where he has had principal carriage of this proposal.
Coffey International did the early modelling for the proposed borefield.
URS have done the drilling log reading, and measured all the bores and springs of the local farmers.
And KBR have suddenly appeared at the end of the proposal, and put to together the Environment Assessment which has been submitted to Frank Sartor for approval.
The three largest of these companies could buy and sell the entire economy of NSW. And that is not to mention the generous donations to Party Funds which have already been made by some of them.
This is Kangaloon - a tiny district in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales.
And here we are, a tiny local lobby group, up against companies which by and sell countries (and if they don't like you, they will run a little war against you!
That is the contribution to Australian life delivered by one Mark Vaile MP.
Good riddance to him.
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
"no intelligible boundary" on what "causes annoyance".
As the Fairfax Press website reports:
- Annoyance clause invalid
- The judges said that the interpretation of clause 7.1 of the act, which allowed regulation of conduct deemed to be a cause of "annoyance", was invalid because it "affects freedom of speech in a way that, in our opinion, is not supported by the statutory powers".
- There was "no intelligible boundary" on what "causes annoyance".
It is yet another embarrassment to the Iemma Government, although, in truth John Watkins ought carry the can for this. Even I could see that you could have driven a truck through those stupidly worded Regulations. I am glad that the court has ruled against the "annoyance" provisions.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
"Human rights – a privilege. Not guaranteed." - David Hicks
"Human rights – a privilege. Not guaranteed."
Well, of all people, he is one of the best qualified to make that statement.
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Fw: Papal visit - outrageous regulations
I decided a long time ago that I would not go to
I am over Popes, to be truthful.
However, that was before these outrageous Regulations were promulgated, last week.
It is modelled on the APEC legislation - the laws which brought us the arrest of the Chaser team, and then the subsequent expensive and embarrassing dropping of charges against them.
Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made
the following Regulation under the World Youth Day Act 2006.
World Youth Day Amendment Regulation 2008
under the
World Youth Day Act 2006
Deputy Premier
25 June 2008
Explanatory note
(f) empowers police officers and authorised members of the State Emergency Service and
the Rural Fire Service to direct a person within a World Youth Day declared area to cease engaging in conduct that is a risk to the safety of the person or others, causes annoyance or inconvenience to participants in a World Youth Day event or obstructs
a World Youth Day event (proposed clause 7 (1)), and
(g) makes it an offence (carrying a maximum penalty of 50 penalty units, currently $5,500) to fail, without reasonable excuse, to comply with such a direction (proposed clause 7 (2)), and
World Youth Day Amendment Regulation 2008
under the
World Youth Day Act 2006
7 Control of conduct within World Youth Day declared areas
(1) An authorised person may direct a person within a World Youth
Day declared area to cease engaging in conduct that:
(a) is a risk to the safety of the person or others, or
(b) causes annoyance or inconvenience to participants in a
World Youth Day event, or
(c) obstructs a World Youth Day event.
(2) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, fail to comply
with a direction given to the person under subclause (1).
Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.
(3) A person is not guilty of an offence under this clause unless it is
established that the authorised person warned the person that a
failure to comply with the direction is an offence.
Order under Section 3A
(World Youth Day declared areas)
I, ROY WAKELIN-KING, Chief Executive Officer of the World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority, in accordance with
the functions under section 3A of the World Youth Day Act 2006 ("the WYD Act") that the Deputy Premier and Minister
administering the WYD Act has delegated to me under section 51A of the WYD Act by Instrument of Delegation dated 29 May 2008, and having determined that certain areas are required for hosting a World Youth Day event, or for the provision
of services in relation to a World Youth Day event, hereby DESIGNATE each area specified in Schedule A hereunder to be
a "World Youth Day declared area".
Order under Section 46
(Control of sale and distribution of articles in certain public places)
I, ROY WAKELIN-KING, Chief Executive Officer of the World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority ("the Authority"),
in accordance with the functions under section 46 of the World Youth Day Act 2006 ("the WYD Act") that the Deputy
Premier and Minister administering the WYD Act has delegated to me under section 51A of the WYD Act by Instrument of Delegation dated 29 May 2008 and having consulted with the Council of the City of Sydney in respect of land within the City of Sydney to which this order applies hereby SPECIFY:
1. each area described in Part 1 of Schedule A hereunder, excluding any part of the area described in Part 3 of Schedule A hereunder, to be "an Authority controlled area" for the purposes of section 46 of the WYD Act; and
2. each public place, or any part of a public place, that is within 500 metres of a transport facility or interchange or a World Youth Day venue or facility, being a public place, or part of a public place, that is shown on a map referred to in Part 2 of Schedule A hereunder, excluding any part of the public place described in Part 3 of Schedule A
hereunder, to be an "Authority controlled area" for the purposes of section 46 of the WYD Act.
If I go I will wear a T-shirt with the following logo (on the front)
and photo (on the rear).
Surely a defence of truthfulness would get me over the narrow definition of "causing annoyance to participants in a World Youth Day event".
If not, I would love the opportunity to defend myself in court.
The photo is real, not faked up. Taken at Castel Gandolfo (Pope's Summer Residence) outside
It is a photo of me being introduced to Pope Paul VI, and about to kiss his ring.
Something to think about, eh?
Not many people could wear this T-shirt with it being "offensive", gratuitous or annoying to Pilgrims. It is almost too good an opportunity to resist.