Sunday 25 March 2007

The wider World is sick too.

The author of a book called "Bombing to Win" (now that's a title to resonate with) is advising us that the US is developing a super "Bunker-buster" bomb, just in time to bomb Iran. It will cost a mere $38, so lets hope they build lots of them.

Great news, folks. Lets see if we can precipitate a total World-wide war, as the "War on Terror" has not brought the citizens of the western countries into enough submission, yet. I mean, it worked for a while, but the effect has worn off. The Democrats in the US Congress want to set a deadline for withdrawal - September 2008.

That's right. The point of the "War on Terror" is to -terrorise us, the citizens of the "Coalition of the un-Willing".

In this regard, it is worth noting that the failure of the burghers of New South Wales to elect a Liberal Government in that State, has increased the likelihood of a fraudulent terror attack in Australia some time between now and the next Federal Election. Remember the bombing of a leading international Hotel? (Clue: think Paris)? That worked pretty well, for the Spooks. Their Organization was rewarded with a great increase in its funding, after the mandatory Inquiry.

We have a major international convention scheduled for Sydney, in September, with the next APEC summit. A fraudulent stunt around that time would help Little Johnny over the line, by scaring the citizens, prior to an election, expected late in this year. We need something more frightening than the "Be alert, but not alarmed" Fridge Magnet campaign, obviously.

Who knows, otherwise people might exercise their democratic rights to elect Kevin Rudd. That would not do, at all!

We could always invade Nauru, a la the Iron Lady's attack on the Falklands. That worked well for her. (Photo above is of Maggie mourning her great mentor, Ronald Regan).

Perhaps some of our recently arrived Sri Lankan"Boat people" could stage a riot over there, while awaiting the Immigration Dept's assessment of their Refugee Status.

That's be enough excuse for an invasion, surely, to protect the Nauruans.

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